Doctor Labaly Touré after obtaining his baccalaureate, joined the Gaston Berger University of Excellence where he obtained his Doctorate in Geography Geomatician researcher at the LEIDI Laboratory of the Gaston Berger University
(UGB) of Saint-Louis.
Dr Labaly Toure is passionate about applied geomatics and entrepreneurship. After more than 10 years of experience in teaching, research and expertise, he founded the company Geomatica. He carried out several missions to collect geographic data; he works a lot in the processing of satellite and drone images as well as in geomatics training.
He is a member of several research groups and is the author of several scientific articles and a book on the establishment of a GIS for land management.
Among other things, he is the Vice-President of the Network of African Professionals in Geomatics (RPAG). As a Senior International Consultant in Geomatics, he led several studies and missions in Senegal and in many countries
in Africa.