Tauseep Ahmed Bhat

Tauseep Ahmed Bhat

A lowly beginning is no bar to a greater career. Neither the amassing inherited fortunes of the family cast any promises for the prominent vocation in life. Being a farm boy, I was born, schooled & raised in a small village nesting under foothills to the South of Kashmir Valley. Living around the early influences of a farming family, my life as a farm boy embryonically began conditioning my dawning instincts. Little does my father know that his toil not only plant seeds out in the soil to harvest and feed his family but also sizable seeds are quietly sown in the mind of his own son as well. I began to believe my own-self a great replica of my father contemplating the possible human potentialities to yield a great life. It dawned on me that the Laws of Nature are evidently impartial to blossom any laboring struggle in the same fashion it favors my family’s farming principals. A handful basic & fundamental keys taken well care in companionship of Nature endures a great fall set the curriculum of my life to hold a promising future.

Being a mediocre student in the school, none at home seemed to be much concerned to question my grades as long as new class was joined at the end of the academic year. The day results of scheduled exams come out was no different from routine days to the family except a slight earnestness to know if their son has passed the class or not. A Five Rupees bill through the advocacy of mother was surely to put an appeal for the farther to buy sweets to distribute at the street corner of the neighborhood. The sweet distribution practice was indirectly a message we send across our neighborhood to congratulate me for qualifying next grade in the school.

Growing up amid conservative family traditions, moral values in my life primarily witnessed more compliance than anything else. The silent family classes on morality and mannerism to regulate my upbringing appeared a successful home-schooling for the family to draw paralleled satisfaction. It stimulated the screening of moral development at home to outclassthe academic assessments. The toiling struggle by the parents to authenticate their dream seeing me growing higher ranks was a source of inspiration. My duty was to justify their shouldering great loads for securing my future as best as I could round the years pass by.

On top of the farming, gradually the family began to shift its focus on producing working class youth for the society. Back those days, all a farming family could think for their children in terms of vocation as a doctor or an engineer. The concept of Entrepreneurship seemed a subject of oblivion not just to the family but the entire society living together to share common beliefs. As far my vision of life as I could stretch out, I resolved to feel satisfied as a hardworking employee to work for a company. Obviously, no family could stop feel exciting to see their children accomplishing a place of employment and boast for sailing the change of destiny to the family.

The hard hitting questions to elevate life to higher aims bombarded my consciousness. The transition I witnessed in my family from farming to employment struck me to continue this change for future generations. I began to search for some business opportunities around to set the journey of Entrepreneurship into motion. The acquired working knowledge during my job invigorated my resolve to lay foundation for entrepreneurship first of its kind in the family. This was a small intellectual gift I thought of presenting to the family to feel proud about.

Toiling mywits and sweating the mind opened up the new frontiers of profundity in my life as an entrepreneur. New dreams began to take wings when my resoluteness & conviction blend together to bring value in my life through the attitude of Entrepreneurship. I strongly believe that it is very important for the entrepreneurs to see the future in their present. It enables them not only to continue their search for opportunities around them but also preparing them to seizeto the best advantage for the enterprising nature.

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